OSCE Head of Presence urges Albania's election administration body to fully engage in parliamentary election preparation
TIRANA, 13 February 2013 - OSCE Head of Presence in Albania Ambassador Eugen Wollfarth has called on the Central Election Commission to meet their responsibilities in the run up to the 23 June general elections.
Meeting with the Commission’s Chair and Deputy Chair today, Ambassador Wollfarth called for professionalism and impartiality in the Commission’s work and stressed the need for new rules and procedures to be adopted as soon as possible to improve collegial functioning between Commission members and staff.
“The main task and challenge of the Central Election Commission is the implementation of the electoral law in a professional, impartial and timely manner. It is very important that the Commission continues work in this direction,” Ambassador Wollfarth said.
He added that the Presence was planning a covenant and training for mid-level commissioners and supporting voter outreach in the run up to the election, and had also financed the publication of the amended Electoral Code in both Albanian and English.
“The OSCE Presence stands ready to support the election administration in its work to improve professional and technical capacities,” he said.