OSCE, Albanian State Police conclude roundtable series on community policing
TIRANA, 7 July 2010 - A series of roundtable discussions on community policing, organized by the OSCE Presence in Albania and the Albanian State Police, concluded today in the city of Saranda.
The events aimed to promote the concept of democratic policing and police-public partnerships, Participants included officers of laws enforcement agencies, local officials, judges and school teachers, as well as civil society, minority and media representatives.
At the roundtable discussions, the Presence presented three OSCE publications on policing-related topics that will serve as reference material for the Albanian State Police in its efforts to implement and improve its long-term strategy on community policing. The regional Police Directorates presented their regional strategy and action plans for community policing in their respective areas.
"Having a strategy and action plan is a solid foundation for introducing community policing. However, an open dialogue with all stakeholders is essential. These roundtable events have been a good first step in enhancing relations between law enforcement agencies and citizens," the Head of the OSCE Presence in Albania, Ambassador Robert Bosch, said from his office.
The thirteen roundtable discussions took place across Albania from February to July 2010, with a total of about 600 participants. The project was part of the OSCE Presence's activities to support the Albanian police.