OSCE Presence and ODIHR welcome beginning of electoral reform in Albania
TIRANA/WARSAW 20 January 2006
TIRANA/WARSAW, 20 January 2006 - The OSCE Presence in Albania and the Organization's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) welcome the establishment of a new parliamentary Ad Hoc Committee to further electoral reform in Albania.
"We are confident that a fresh effort to further the electoral reform agenda in Albania will be in line with the country's OSCE commitments, and the past ODIHR recommendations, as well as other international standards for democratic elections", said Alex Finnen, Acting Head of the OSCE Presence.
"We look forward to seeing the Albanian authorities introduce further improvements in the electoral legislation in an inclusive and transparent manner", he said, adding that the Presence and the ODIHR stood ready to contribute to the reform process by offering expertise if requested by the Albanian institutions.
"We are confident that a fresh effort to further the electoral reform agenda in Albania will be in line with the country's OSCE commitments, and the past ODIHR recommendations, as well as other international standards for democratic elections", said Alex Finnen, Acting Head of the OSCE Presence.
"We look forward to seeing the Albanian authorities introduce further improvements in the electoral legislation in an inclusive and transparent manner", he said, adding that the Presence and the ODIHR stood ready to contribute to the reform process by offering expertise if requested by the Albanian institutions.