OSCE Presence urges electoral reform in Albania
The Acting Head of the OSCE Presence in Albania, Robert Wilton, has issued the following statement with regard to the Elections for Mayor in the municipality of Dibra on 11 September 2016, following the expiration of the deadline for appeals, 19 September 2016:
“The OSCE Presence followed the elections in Dibra closely and with great interest. We have noted the result and also the different reports concerning the electoral process, including that of the Albanian Coalition of Domestic Observers.
We strongly share the concern of Albania’s Central Election Commission (CEC) about the replacement of over 98 per cent of the voting centre commissioners the day before the elections. The Presence continues to suggest that Albania's political parties should take professional election management more seriously if the system is to be credible.
The Dibra electoral process is yet another indication of the need for a thorough electoral reform to ensure, among other things, the depoliticization of election administration bodies, and gender equality in political representation and election commissions.
We encourage the Albanian authorities and political parties to start this very important process promptly and finalize it well in advance of next year’s parliamentary elections. Based on discussions with stakeholders, the Presence is already prepared to provide technical support and expertise to the electoral reform as soon as the parties activate the ad hoc Parliamentary Committee on Electoral Reform.”