Curated stories from our efforts across the globe.
The OSCE Mélange Project: Eliminating the Risk of Human and Environmental Disasters
Youth empowerment across various programmatic activities
Energy co-operation, new technologies, good governance and connectivity in the digital era – OSCE discusses economic progress and security in Bratislava
Let the Journalists Work: Op-ed by the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Jan Braathu, on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day
World Press Freedom Day: Reminder of collective responsibility to protect freedom of the media
Strong Women on the Rise in the Kosovo Police
Small Steps in Right Direction
Lighting the spark of tolerance and equality in Serbia: winners of the Journalism Award for Tolerance tell stories that need to be told
Helping young people to develop their potential – an important part of OSCE’s work in Tajikistan
Strengthening Dialogue among Civil Society and with Key Government Stakeholders in Ukraine
For Roma, with Roma: Enhancing Participation in Public and Political Life
Safe harbour: Joint op-ed by the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and Italian Foreign Minister Moavero Milanesi and OSCE Secretary General Greminger