News and press releases
News and press releases from the OSCE's global activities.
OSCE Office in Baku trains officials on human trafficking and asylum seekers
Publishing date: 21 June 2012
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Baku (closed)
What we do: Border management
BAKU, 21 June 2012 – A two-day training course on human trafficking and asylum seekers started today for border guards and officials from the State Migration Service and security service based at Baku International Airport. The OSCE Office in Baku is co-organizing the event with UNHCR and the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) missions in Azerbaijan. The training course will focus on the identification of victims of trafficking and forced labour among asylum seekers...
OSCE, UNDP train Afghan border police, customs officials on border management
Publishing date: 5 June 2012
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe
What we do: Border management
DUSHANBE, 5 June 2012 – Twenty-four officers from the Afghan Border Police successfully completed a two-week intensive training course on border management today...
Fifth staff course for senior border officials from 12 states starts at OSCE Border Management Staff College
Publishing date: 4 June 2012
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe
What we do: Border management
DUSHANBE, 4 June 2012 – Twenty-five senior border officials from OSCE participating States and Partner for Co-operation countries started a one-month course on border security and management at the OSCE Border Management Staff College (BMSC) today...
OSCE Border Management Staff College co-organizes seminar on cross-border conflicts
Publishing date: 14 May 2012
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe
What we do: Border management
DUSHANBE, 14 May 2012- A seminar on managing, resolving and preventing conflicts at borders for senior border officials and researchers from Central Asia, Western and Eastern Europe and North America started at the OSCE Border Management Staff College (BMSC) in Dushanbe today...
OSCE trains Tajik and Afghan border officials on detecting forged documents
Publishing date: 26 April 2012
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe
What we do: Border management
DUSHANBE, 26 April 2012 – A training course for Tajik and Afghan border guards aimed at enhancing their skills in detecting forged documents concluded at the OSCE Border Management Staff College (BMSC) in Dushanbe today...
OSCE Office in Tajikistan supports de-mining efforts
Publishing date: 19 April 2012
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe
What we do: Arms control, Border management
DUSHANBE, 19 April 2012- As part of a humanitarian de-mining project supported by the OSCE, a mechanical de-mining machine was handed over to the Tajikistan’s Ministry of Defence today at a ceremony in the Engineering Battalion base in Rudaki District, close to Dushanbe...
Ministers in Vienna adopt declaration on border security in Central Asia, agree to further enhance border management co-operation
Publishing date: 17 April 2012
Participants of the 10th Conference of the Central Asia Border Security Initiative (CABSI) held in Vienna adopted a Ministerial Declaration on 17 April 2012...