News and press releases
News and press releases from the OSCE's global activities.
OSCE-supported futsal tournament in Osh gathers teams of State Border Services of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Russia to strengthen regional border co-operation
Publishing date: 29 November 2019
The second futsal tournament "Border Co-operation through Unity in Sports" took place on 27 November in Osh, Kyrgyzstan. Teams from the State Border Service of Kyrgyzstan, border servicemen of the State Committee for National Security of Tajikistan, the Operative Border Service Unit of the Russian Federation based in Osh and a team from the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek participated in the event. The tournament aimed at strengthening regional border co-operation.
OSCE conducts training on countering transnational crime and identification of foreign terrorist fighters for border officers in Kazakhstan
Publishing date: 28 November 2019
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
An OSCE-supported three-day training course on countering transnational crime and identification of potential foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs) concluded on 28 November 2019 in Aktau, Kazakhstan...
OSCE organizes working visit of Regional Anti-corruption Platform to the Anti-corruption General Directorate of Romania Interior’s Ministry
Publishing date: 26 November 2019
Best practices in conducting undercover operations to investigate corruption at border crossings were explored during a working visit of more than 30 members of the Regional Anti-corruption Platform from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Ukraine to the Anti-corruption General Directorate of Romania’s Interior Ministry in Bucharest on 25 and 26 November 2019...
OSCE trains trainers on document security in North Macedonia
Publishing date: 18 November 2019
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Secretariat, OSCE Mission to Skopje
What we do: Border management
An OSCE train-the-trainers course on detecting forged travel documents and imposters concluded on 15 November 2019 in Skopje, North Macedonia...
OSCE Mobile Training Team trains Serbian border officers in identifying foreign terrorist fighters
Publishing date: 14 November 2019
The OSCE Mobile Training Team delivered an interactive training course on the identification of foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs) for 25 first- and second-line Serbian border officers as well as officials of the country’s Security Information Agency from 12 to 14 November 2019 in Belgrade...
OSCE-supported training course on smuggling and illegal trade in cultural property concludes in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Publishing date: 13 November 2019
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
What we do: Border management
A two-day training course on the fight against illegal trade in art and cultural property concluded on 13 November 2019 in Sarajevo. Organized by the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), in co-operation with the French Embassy in BiH, the training course brought together representatives of law enforcement agencies from across BiH...
Achievements, threats and challenges in border management focus of Central Asian Border Management Initiative concludes in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Publishing date: 7 November 2019
The OSCE, in co-operation with the Government of Kazakhstan, concluded a two-day Central Asian Border Management Initiative (CABMI) conference on 6 November 2019 in Almaty. More than 30 participants gathered to discuss the achievements and challenges of border management in the region...