News and press releases
News and press releases from the OSCE's global activities.
OSCE organizes workshops on youth crime and drug use prevention in Tashkent
Publishing date: 30 March 2022
Content type: News
The Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities and the OSCE Transnational Threats Department, co-organized together with the OSCE Academy in Bishkek, workshops on 9, 29 and 30 March 2022 in Tashkent on best practices and challenges in the field of youth crime and drug use prevention. The workshops also addressed the need to strengthen educational programmes to foster youth’s understanding of these threats.
Tashkent to host high-level international conference on regional co-operation of Central Asian states in the fight against terrorism
Publishing date: 28 February 2022
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Secretariat, OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan
What we do: Countering terrorism
TASHKENT/NEW YORK/VIENNA, February 28, 2022- On March 3-4, 2022, a high-level international conference on the topic: “Regional cooperation of Central Asian countries within the framework of the Joint Action Plan for the Implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy”, will be held in Tashkent.
OSCE supports anti-corruption initiative in Uzbekistan
Publishing date: 23 February 2022
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan
What we do: Good governance
The OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan (PCUz) held an online workshop in support of open data for anti-corruption on 22 February 2022. The event was jointly organized with the Anti-Corruption Agency of Uzbekistan (ACA) and the International Open Data Charter (ODC).
OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan co-hosts ceremony to award winners of open data hackathon
Publishing date: 28 December 2021
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan
What we do: Cyber/ICT Security
On 28 December 2021, the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan (PCUz) co-hosted an award ceremony recognizing the winners of the Open Data Challenge 2021 hackathon, an IT contest to develop digital solutions based on open data. The ceremony and the hackathon were organized by the PCUz in collaboration with the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics (UZSTAT), the Technological Park of Software Products and Information Technologies (IT-Park Uzbekistan) and other national partners.
OSCE-supported Ombudspersons Forum in Tashkent served as a platform to strengthen interregional co-operation and business integrity
Publishing date: 14 December 2021
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan
What we do: Economic activities
The 1st International Forum of Business Ombudspersons “Strengthening Interregional Cooperation and Integrity in Business Sphere” was held in Tashkent on December 14, 2021. The Forum was organized by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan jointly with the Commissioner under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of business entities (Business Ombudsman).
OSCE supports training course on international standards of human rights and freedoms for defense lawyers from all regions of Uzbekistan
Publishing date: 2 December 2021
The OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan organized an in-person training-of-trainers, from 28 November to 2 December 2021 in Tashkent, on international standards of human rights and freedoms for defense lawyers from all regions of Uzbekistan. The training course is part of the longstanding efforts of PCUz to reach out to legal professionals and to support the creation of a community of legal experts in Uzbekistan, with knowledge of the most recent developments among international legal experts.
OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan conducts study visit for government delegation to the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law
Publishing date: 27 August 2021
With support of the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan, a delegation of Uzbek government officials participated in a study visit to the Headquarters of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) in Rome from 24 to 27 August 2021.