News and press releases
News and press releases from the OSCE's global activities.
OSCE Office in Tajikistan, ODIHR conclude process of preparing gender action plans for political parties
Publishing date: 30 March 2016
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe
What we do: Democratization, Gender equality
The OSCE Office in Tajikistan in co-operation with the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) on 29 March 2016 in Dushanbe organized a roundtable discussion with women politicians from all seven of the country’s registered political parties on the importance and relevance of gender action plans and gender budgeting...
OSCE Office in Tajikistan trains managers and instructors on enhancing their skills in dealing with explosive hazards
Publishing date: 30 March 2016
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe
What we do: Reform and co-operation in the security sector
A four-day seminar organized by the OSCE Office in Tajikistan on explosive hazards training management opened at the Office’s premises in Dushanbe on 29 March 2016...
Border and customs officials discuss leadership styles for effective management at OSCE Border Management Staff College
Publishing date: 18 March 2016
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe
What we do: Border management
DUSHANBE, 18 March 2016 – Effective leadership and management techniques were the focus of a week-long training course, which concluded today at the OSCE Border Management Staff College in Dushanbe, Tajikistan...
OSCE trains Tajik Border Troops officers on patrol leadership
Publishing date: 18 March 2016
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe
What we do: Border management
DUSHANBE, 18 March 2016 – Twenty officers from the Main Directorate of Tajik Border Troops completed today a regular four-week training course on patrolling and leadership, organized by the OSCE Office in Tajikistan, at the Gissar Training Centre, Tajikistan...
International border security and management standards discussed at OSCE-UNDP course
Publishing date: 10 March 2016
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe
What we do: Border management
DUSHANBE, 10 March 2016 – A ten-day border management awareness course for twenty-one border officials from Afghanistan and Tajikistan concluded today at the OSCE Border Management Staff College in Dushanbe, Tajikistan...
OSCE Office in Tajikistan and Tajik politicians support International Women’s Day
Publishing date: 10 March 2016
Leading figures in seven Tajik political parties joined the OSCE Office in Tajikistan, in voicing their support for women in Tajikistan and for all women all over the world in celebration of International Women’s Day on 8 March 2016...
OSCE Office in Tajikistan trains young journalists on role of independent, pluralistic and professional media
Publishing date: 4 March 2016
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe
What we do: Media freedom and development
OSCE-organized workshops for young journalists were held in Kurgan-Tube and Kulyab cities of Tajikistan’s Khatlon region from 29 February to 4 March 2016...