News and press releases
News and press releases from the OSCE's global activities.
OSCE Programme Office in Astana supports Regional Conference on Countering Violent Extremism
Publishing date: 30 June 2015
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Countering terrorism
ASTANA, Kazakhstan, 30 June 2015 – The two-day Central and South Asia Regional Conference on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) as a follow-on to the CVE Summit held in Washington D.C., in February 2015 concluded its work today in Astana, Kazakhstan. It adopted a set of recommendations and proposed a concrete steps to enhance national and regional efforts in advance of the CVE leaders’ summit to be held on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in September in New York...
OSCE Programme Office builds capacity of Balkhash-Alakol Water Basin Council
Publishing date: 30 June 2015
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Environmental activities
An OSCE-supported training seminar and a regular meeting of the Balkhash-Alakol Water Council took place on 30 June 2015 in Almaty, Kazakhstan...
OSCE promotes social services for victims of human trafficking in Kazakhstan
Publishing date: 26 June 2015
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Combating trafficking in human beings
SHYMKENT, Kazakhstan, 26 June 2015 – The OSCE Programme Office in Astana took part in the presentation of the Special Report on Current Challenges in the Protection of Human Rights in Countering Human Trafficking in Kazakhstan and supported a roundtable discussion on special social services for victims of cruel treatment that took place today in Shymkent, South Kazakhstan Region...
OSCE Programme Office in Astana and Kazakh-German University promote water governance in Central Asia
Publishing date: 26 June 2015
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Environmental activities
An OSCE-supported Summer School on Integrated Water Resources Management concluded on 26 June 2015 in Almaty, Kazakhstan, with a roundtable discussion on this topic involving experts, researches and representatives of international organizations from the region and beyond...
OSCE supports workshop on public hearings in environmental decision-making in Kazakhstan
Publishing date: 26 June 2015
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Environmental activities
An OSCE-supported workshop on the role of public hearings as a tool for enhancing public participation in environmental decision-making took place on 26 June 2015, in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan...
OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, in Kazakhstan, discusses impact of reforms on national minorities
Publishing date: 24 June 2015
Content type: News
OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Astrid Thors encouraged the authorities of Kazakhstan to take the country’s ethnic and linguistic diversity into account in planned reforms, known as the “100 Concrete Steps”, in areas including education, the civil service, and promotion of national
OSCE Office supports workshop for judges on improving communication with media in Kazakhstan
Publishing date: 19 June 2015
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Media freedom and development, Rule of law