News and press releases
News and press releases from the OSCE's global activities.
OSCE PA President expresses concern about uptick in violence in eastern Ukraine
Publishing date: 5 November 2015
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
COPENHAGEN, 5 November 2015 – OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Ilkka Kanerva (MP, Finland) today expressed concern about the recent uptick in violence in eastern Ukraine and called on all parties to the conflict to do their utmost to promote conditions conducive to a political settlement...
Elections in Turkey offered voters variety of choices, but process was hindered by challenging security environment, incidents of violence and restrictions against media, international election observers say
Publishing date: 2 November 2015
Content type: Press release
What we do: Elections
ANKARA, 2 November 2015 – The 1 November early parliamentary elections in Turkey offered voters a variety of choices. At the same time, the challenging security environment, particularly in the southeast of the country, coupled with a high number of violent incidents, including attacks against party members, premises and campaign staff, hindered contestants’ ability to campaign freely, international observers said in a statement issued today. Restrictions on media freedom remain a serious concern, the observers said...
OSCE election observation leaders in Turkey complete multi-city visit
Publishing date: 29 October 2015
ANKARA, 29 October 2015 – The OSCE Special Co-ordinator for observation of the early parliamentary elections in Turkey, Ignacio Sanchez Amor (MP, Spain), and the Head of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Delegation of observers, Margareta Cederfelt (MP, Sweden), visited the center, east and west of the country this week in preparation for the 1 November vote.
Ahead of elections in Azerbaijan, silencing of independent and critical voices particularly regretful, says OSCE PA’s Santos
Publishing date: 27 October 2015
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
What we do: Democratization, Human rights
COPENHAGEN, 27 October 2015 – The Azerbaijani government’s crackdown on independent and critical voices has a particularly damaging effect ahead of the country’s 1 November parliamentary elections, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s democracy and human rights Chairperson, Isabel Santos (MP, Portugal), said today...
OSCE parliamentarians to observe early parliamentary elections in Turkey
Publishing date: 19 October 2015
COPENHAGEN, 19 October 2015 – OSCE parliamentarians will observe the upcoming early parliamentary elections in Turkey and provide leadership for the OSCE's short-term observer mission...
Reforms needed to address substantial shortcomings in Belarus election, international observers say, after peaceful presidential campaign
Publishing date: 12 October 2015
MINSK, 12 October 2015 – The 11 October election once again indicated that Belarus still has a considerable way to go in meeting its OSCE commitments for democratic elections. This underscores the need for the political will to engage in a comprehensive reform process, the international observers concluded in a preliminary statement released today. Some specific improvements and a welcoming attitude were noted. Some significant problems, particularly during the counting and tabulation of votes, undermined the integrity of the election. The campaign and election day were peaceful, the statement says...
OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President condemns Ankara attacks, calls for accountability
Publishing date: 10 October 2015
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
COPENHAGEN, 10 October 2015 – OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Ilkka Kanerva (MP, Finland) issued the following statement on today’s deadly blasts in Ankara, which targeted a rally calling for an end to violence with Kurdish separatists...