Statement by the Delegation of the United States in response to the address by the Chairman-in-Office, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Alexander Stubb
Statement by the Delegation of Egypt in response to the Secretary General on the first meeting of the UN Alliance of Civilisations Forum and on a possible OSCE contribution to the implementation phase of the AoC
Statement by the Delegation of Armenia in reaction to the Statement by the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union on freedom of assembly legislation in Armenia
Joint Statement by the Delegations of Spain and Turkey in response to the Report of the Secretary General on the first meeting of the UN Alliance of Civilisations Forum and on a possible OSCE contribution to the implementation phase of the AoC
Statement by the Delegation of Canada, also on behalf of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, in response to the address by the Chairman-in-Office, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Alexander Stubb