Centro di documentazione
Journal of the 545th Plenary Meeting of the Forum for Security Co-operation (it)
Publishing date: 7 maggio 2008
Content type: Documento conferenza / riunione
Dove siamo Forum for Security Co-operation
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Incident in Georgia on 20 April 2008- Letter from the Chairperson of PC to the Chairperson of FSC and statements by delegations of Georgia and Russia annexed. Decision No. 4/08, on Points of Contact on SALW and Stockpiles of Conventional Ammunition.
Journal of the 742nd Plenary Meeting of the Permanent Council (it)
Publishing date: 27 novembre 2008
Content type: Documento conferenza / riunione
Dove siamo Permanent Council
What we do: Media freedom and development, National minority issues
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Report by the HCNM, Ambassador Knut Vollebaek and by the Representative on Freedom of the Media, Miklos Haraszti. Decision No. 865, 866, 867, 868, 869, 870, 871, 872, 873, 874 (interpretative statement by the Delegation of Belarus attached), 875, 876.
Journal of the 544th Plenary Meeting of the Forum for Security Co-operation (it)
Publishing date: 30 aprile 2008
Content type: Documento conferenza / riunione
Dove siamo Forum for Security Co-operation
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Incident involving an unmanned aerial vehicle in Georgia on 20 April 2008, statements by the Delegation of the United States and by the Delegation of Georgia annexed.
Journal of the 741st Plenary Meeting of the Permanent Council (it)
Publishing date: 20 novembre 2008
Content type: Documento conferenza / riunione
Dove siamo Permanent Council
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Report by the Special Envoy of the Chairman-in-Office, Ambassador Heikki Talvitie. Report by the Three Personal Representatives of the Chairman-in-Office on Tolerance. Report by OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine, Ambassador Lubomir Kopaj.
Journal of the 543rd Plenary Meeting of the Forum for Security Co-operation (it)
Publishing date: 23 aprile 2008
Content type: Documento conferenza / riunione
Dove siamo Forum for Security Co-operation
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Determination No. 2008-15 of the President of the United States of America, statement by the Delegation of Serbia annexed. Decision No. 03/08, on FSC Contribution to the 2008 Annual Security Review Conference.
Journal of the 740th Reinforced Plenary Meeting of the Permanent Council (it)
Publishing date: 14 novembre 2008
Content type: Documento conferenza / riunione
Dove siamo Permanent Council
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Preparations for the Helsinki Ministerial Council meeting (statement by the Delegation of Romania annexed).
Journal of the 739th Plenary Meeting of the Permanent Council (it)
Publishing date: 13 novembre 2008
Content type: Documento conferenza / riunione
Dove siamo Permanent Council
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Address by the President of the OSCE PA. Reports by the SR-CTHB, by the Representative to the Latvian-Russian Joint Commission on Military Pensioners, by the Head of the OSCE Centre in Astana. Statement by the Delegation of Afghanistan annexed.
Journal of the 542nd Plenary Meeting of the Forum for Security Co-operation (it)
Publishing date: 16 aprile 2008
Content type: Documento conferenza / riunione
Dove siamo Forum for Security Co-operation
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Minutes of the proceedings. Statement by the Delegation of the United States annexed. Decision No. 02/08, on Taking national holidays into account when planning verification activities.
Forum for Security Co-operation Decision No. 6/07 (it)
Publishing date: 21 novembre 2007
Content type: Decisione / Dichiarazione
Dove siamo Forum for Security Co-operation
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Decision on extended dialogue with the OSCE Partners for Co-operation on Civil-Military Emergency Preparedness
Forum for Security Co-operation Decision No. 15/07 (it)
Publishing date: 21 novembre 2007
Content type: Decisione / Dichiarazione
Dove siamo Forum for Security Co-operation
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe