OSCE Centre sponsors Community Policing training for Kyrgyz law enforcement
BISHKEK, 21 September 2007 - Fifteen policemen of the Kyrgyz Interior Ministry today received certificates for completing a training course on Community Policing sponsored by the OSCE Centre in Bishkek.
"The Ministry of Interior and the OSCE realize the need for police to work in partnership with the community and this course provides Kyrgyz policemen the tools necessary for this to happen" said Wally Babenko, Community Police Advisor for the OSCE.
Community Policing emphasizes police co-operation with the community in resolving crimes and issues.
"The difference between traditional policing and Community Policing is that with the first the work is done after a crime is committed, while the second aims to prevent the crime from happening," said Fredrik Bjerkenborn, a senior police officer from Sweden and Community Policing expert, who led the training.
The graduates, who come from the Police Academy, the Police Secondary School, and police departments of the Interior Ministry, will pass on their knowledge and train other policemen and students in their institutions. An advanced course on Community Policing will also be conducted next week for members of the police who are already trainers in Community Policing and will focus on problem solving techniques.